linux – 使用HTML的GUI库或Window Manager
>如果不是现有的语言,它们有多可修改,是否可以构建一个解释器来桥接HTML编写的UI布局和给定的语言. (据我所知,目前的标准似乎是XML,因此后一种选择应该是有些收费的)
>将上述所有内容放在一边,从头开始做这样的事情是多么困难. Mint的登录管理器已经能够将HTML文件用于制作自定义登录屏幕,因此可以将Web引擎夹在操作系统之上,并让它在UI和OS组件之间进行通信.
据说@goldilocks提到HTML在比较XML方面确实非常严格.我不同意,为此我在不到3天的时间内构建了一个网页,它反映了大多数DE使用的核心UI元素,就像我想要的那样. (当然没有功能,但它是一个开始.):)有一些瑕疵它没有被完全抛光,但概念就在那里. (别忘了将鼠标悬停在某些元素上):)
Hi I’ve been searching for the past couple of months for a Linux DE
that’s built on HTML. I found this as I was starting this question
07001 and it’s great
but that’s GTK via browser.What I want is to able to build my own DE as such using HTML. I’m
currently using Cinnamon in Linux Mint and I can theme it via CSS but
I’d like to be able to make my own DE with custom toolbars and such.Note: I’m not talking about a ground up DE just being able to build
the user facing UI (the application switcher [alt+tab],the app menu,
toolbars, etc.)I’d still use a standard window compositor and file manager etc. and
it’d still all be linked in with the GTK theming engine but more
customizable.标签:,,, 来源: