Why use Cocos over UI Kit for a 2D iPhone game?(为什么在 2D iPhone 游戏中使用 Cocos over UI Kit?)
Check if drawn path/CGPath intersects itself in an iPhone game(检查绘制的路径/CGPath 在 iPhone 游戏中是否与自身相交)
Sparrow or Cocos2D for iPhone 2D game?(iPhone 2D 游戏的 Sparrow 或 Cocos2D?)
Resume game cocos2d(恢复游戏 cocos2d)
Game center facebook like(游戏中心 facebook 喜欢)
How can I implement a virtual joystick for a cocos2d game outside the cocos2d environment?(如何在 cocos2d 环境之外实现 cocos2d 游戏的虚拟摇杆?)
Adding admob underneath game view(在游戏视图下添加 admob)
libGDX: How to implement a smooth tile / grid based game character movement?(libGDX:如何实现基于平铺/网格的游戏角色移动?)
In game Images disappear on Android device if i run from widget, but not when I install apk first time(如果我从小部件运行,游戏中的图像会在 Android 设备上消失,但在我第一次安装 apk 时不会)
Libgdx Game - Texture Scaling(Libgdx 游戏 - 纹理缩放)
RPG Game loop and class structure (cocos2D for iPhone)(RPG 游戏循环和类结构(cocos2D for iPhone))
Cocos2d-iPhone or Sparrow for first time 2D iOS game development?(Cocos2d-iPhone 或 Sparrow 第一次 2D iOS 游戏开发?)
Sandbox Game Center Turn Event Notifications Not Consistent(沙盒游戏中心回合事件通知不一致)
Game crash if interrupted while Splash Screen is on - LIBGDX(如果在启动画面打开时中断游戏崩溃 - LIBGDX)
Trying to run Android game using libgdx on Genymotion(尝试在 Genymotion 上使用 libgdx 运行 Android 游戏)