How to implement pause/resume in cocos2d game?(cocos2d游戏中如何实现暂停/恢复?)
Applying Zoom Effect In cocos2D gaming environment?(在 cocos2D 游戏环境中应用缩放效果?)
cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu(cocos2d:在菜单背景下播放视频)
How to convert a CCSpriteFrame to a CCTexture2D (Cocos2d)(如何将 CCSpriteFrame 转换为 CCTexture2D (Cocos2d))
cocos2d v3 re-orient screen during App use(cocos2d v3 在应用程序使用期间重新定向屏幕)
Scoring System In Cocos2D(Cocos2D 中的评分系统)
Draw a Line Sprite Between Two Points made by Sprites in Cocos2d(Cocos2d中Sprites在两点之间画一条线Sprite)
filled antialiased poly cocos2d(填充抗锯齿聚 cocos2d)
Gamecenter authentication in landscape only Cocos2d with CCLayer for iOS 6(带有 CCLayer for iOS 6 的 Cocos2d 横向 Gamecenter 身份验证)
CGPath is not detected properly in cocos2d(cocos2d中没有正确检测到CGPath)
Shader Program not working in Cocos2d 2.2 Obj.C iOS 12(着色器程序在 Cocos2d 2.2 Obj.C iOS 12 中不起作用)
Implementing a QR reader in a cocos2d engine(在 cocos2d 引擎中实现二维码阅读器)
cocos2d Moving between scene(cocos2d 在场景之间移动)
cocos2d sprite collision detection boundingbox(cocos2d sprite 碰撞检测boundingbox)
Cocos2d - Setting Device/Screen Orientation(Cocos2d - 设置设备/屏幕方向)