如何实现 Cocos2D?

本文介绍了如何实现 Cocos2D?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


I have downloaded the latest cocos2d from their site, and I have unzipped it. Now I am confused exactly how to implement it into an already existing project. What files do I drag over and is there anything else I have to do besides that?



You can link cocos2d into your project as shown here. He uses a special version that supports arc, but it works in exactly the same way with the original version. Then in a next step make sure that you import all the important libraries:

  • QuartzCore.framework
  • OpenGLES.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • UIKit.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • CoreGraphics.framework

If you use sound you also will need:

  • OpenAL.framework
  • AudioToolbox.framework
  • libcocosDenshion.a

Now you need to set up a rootview that supports OpenGL. Look at the Hello World example how they did this there. You should now be able to implement and display Cocos2d scenes on screen.

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