如何识别已添加按钮的 viewController?

本文介绍了如何识别已添加按钮的 viewController?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道点击按钮时视图控制器的名称是什么.我已经查看了此处提供的答案.但我相信如果我在屏幕上有不同的 containerViews 将无法工作......每个按钮的 viewController 可能不同.因此我需要一个不同的解决方案.

I want to know what was the name of the viewController the the button was tapped. I've already looked into the answer provided here. But I believe won't work if I have different containerViews on the screen...where the viewController for each button may be different. Hence I need a different solution.


So I wrote this function to recursively look until it finds a UIViewController.

extension UIView{
    func getTypeOfMyViewController() -> UIViewController.Type?{
        if let _super = superview as? UIViewController{ // logically wrong!
            return type(of:_super)
        }else if let _super = superview{
            return _super.getTypeOfMyViewController()
            assertionFailure("everything should end up being on some viewController")
            return nil


if let _super = superview as? UIViewController{


从UIView"投射?到不相关的类型 'UIViewController' 总是失败

Cast from 'UIView?' to unrelated type 'UIViewController' always fails

superview 是一个 UIView,我不知道如何提取包含view"的 viewController".

superview is a UIView and I don't know how to extract the 'viewController' which contains the 'view'.


另外我想使用 getTypeOfMyViewController 函数:

Additionally I would like to use the getTypeOfMyViewController function as such:

extension UIButton{
    open override var accessibilityLabel: String?{
        get {
            return "(getTypeOfMyViewController.self): (titleLabel?.text ?? "Null")"
            // nothing particular


I'm doing this because I want to create a unique identifier for all button taps in my logging system.

问题 2: Swift 是否提供更简单的解决方案?

Question2: Does Swift offer any easier solution to this?


视图控制器不是视图,所以它永远不可能是超级视图.你有正确的想法,但你正在寻找错误的层次结构.您想要的不是视图层次结构,而是 响应者链.

A view controller is not a view, so it can never be a superview. You have the right idea, but you're looking at the wrong hierarchy. What you want is not the view hierarchy but the responder chain.


Walk up the responder chain until you come to the view controller:

var r : UIResponder = theButton
repeat { r = r.next! } while !(r is UIViewController)
let vc = r as! UIViewController

这篇关于如何识别已添加按钮的 viewController?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
