Web 上的等距矩形地图

本文介绍了Web 上的等距矩形地图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I plan to build an online map for markers (pins) of a game and I don't manage to set the correct latitude of my markers.



Then I got markers (many thousands)

地图坐标使用从 0 到 100 的 x、y 表示法设置.0, 0 是地图的左上角,100, 100 是地图的右下角.x=50, y=50 就是 lat = 0°, lng = 0°(图片的中心).

Map coordinates are set with a x, y notation from 0 to 100. 0, 0 is the top left corner and 100, 100 is the bottom right corner of the map. x=50, y=50 is lat = 0°, lng = 0° (the center of the picture).

为了从我的符号转换为经度,我使用这个 JS 函数,它运行良好:

To convert from my notation to longitude I use this JS function, it works well :

        function longitude(x)
            var lng = 0
            if (x < 50) // Negative Longitude (West)
                lng = (x - 50) / 50 * 180;
            else // Positive Longitude (East)
                lng = (50 - x) / 50 * 180;
            return lng


But for latitude it don't work because those engines use a Mercator projection and me not.


If someone have the correct formula, it would be greatly appreciated :(


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如果您使用 Leaflet,则应指定地图选项 crs 并使用 L.CRS.Simple:

If you are using Leaflet, you should specify the map option crs and use L.CRS.Simple:

一个简单的 CRS,将经度和纬度直接映射到 xy.可用于平面地图(例如游戏地图).请注意,y 轴仍应反转(从下到上).

A simple CRS that maps longitude and latitude into x and y directly. May be used for maps of flat surfaces (e.g. game maps). Note that the y axis should still be inverted (going from bottom to top).

这将避免 Web Mercator 投影,尤其是纬度,这是您的特殊计算想通了(有关方程式,请参阅链接的 Wikipedia 文章).

This will avoid the Web Mercator projection, especially the latitude which is a special computation as you figured out (see the linked Wikipedia article for the equation).

然后您就可以正确地将 xy 坐标映射到您的需要,尤其是在您的地图图像方面.

Then you are left with correctly mapping your x and y coordinates to your need, especially in respect with your map image.


For instance, assuming you set your map image as:

L.imageOverlay("imageUrl", [[0, 0], [256, 256]]).addTo(map);

(使其在缩放级别 0 时适合 1 个图块)

(so that it fits the equivalent of 1 tile at zoom level 0)


Then you could have a conversion like:

function longitude(x) {
  return x / 100 * 256;

function latitude(y) {
  return 256 - y / 100 * 256; // Still need to revert y.

这篇关于Web 上的等距矩形地图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
