缩放 HTML5 画布宽度保留 w/h 纵横比

本文介绍了缩放 HTML5 画布宽度保留 w/h 纵横比的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个尺寸为 979X482px 的画布元素,我想让它拉伸以适应任何给定浏览器窗口的宽度,保持宽度/高度的纵横比为 1 比 1,我希望高度相对缩放到画布的宽度.关于如何使用 javascript/jQuery 执行此操作的任何建议?

I have a canvas element with dimensions of 979X482px and I'd like to have it stretch to fit the width of any given browser window, keeping the aspect ratio of width/hight 1 to 1, I want the height to scale relative to width of the canvas. Any suggestions as how to go about doing this with javascript/jQuery?



First you set the width of canvas to 100%

$('#canvas').css('width', '100%');


then update its height base on its width

   $('#canvas').height($('#canvas').width() / 2.031);

2.031 = 979/482

2.031 = 979/482

但你不应该像我一样附加到 $(window).resize ......这是一种不好的行为

But you should not attach to $(window).resize like me... it's a bad behavior

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