如何使用 jQuery AJAX 加载跨域 html 页面?
如何使用 jQuery AJAX 加载跨域 HTML 页面?
How can I load cross domain HTML page with jQuery AJAX?
假设我想使用 jQuery AJAX 在我的域之外获取一个页面:
Suppose I want to get a page outside my domain using jQuery AJAX:
$.get('http://www.domain.com/mypage.html', function(data) {
I will probably get this error message:
XMLHttpRequest 无法加载 http://www.domain.com/path/filename.起源Access-Control-Allow-Origin 不允许 null.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.domain.com/path/filename. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
由于 同源策略,我们无法使用 AJAX 加载跨域页面.
we can't load cross domain page using AJAX because of the Same-origin policy.
我可以尝试使用 'jsonp' 来绕过这个限制:
I could try using 'jsonp' to bypass this restriction:
type: "GET",
url: url,
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data){
But what if 'jsonp' is not supported in this site? this could be a problem.
如果我只想读取外部页面并解析其 HTML 怎么办?
What if I just want to read an external page and parse its HTML?
只是你不能. - 同源策略或者你需要为 www.domain.com
Simply you can't. - same-origin policy or you need to set CORS headers for www.domain.com
But, If you just want to fetch an external page content to your page, there is a workaround you could do:
在您的服务器中创建一个端点以返回给定外部 URL 的 HTML 内容.(因为您无法将外部内容获取到浏览器 - 同源策略)
Create an endpoint in your server to return the HTML content for the given external URL. (because you can't get external content to the browser - same-origin policy)
var encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent('http://www.domain.com/mypage.html');
$.get('http://www.yourdomain.com/getcontent?url=' + encodedUrl, function(data) {
在 .NET 中从 URL 读取到字符串的最简单方法 - 可以使用这个创建 /getcontent
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