


我在使用 Laravel 4 查询生成器时遇到问题,我想创建一个可重用的方法

I have a problem with Laravel 4 query builder, i want make a re-usable method

public function getData($where=array())
    // $where = array('city' => 'jakarta', 'age' => '25');
    return User::where($where)->get();

    // this will produce an error, because i think laravel didn't support it

在 CodeIgniter 中很容易将数组传递给活动记录:

In CodeIgniter it easy to passing array to active record :

public function getData($where=array())
    $rs = $this->db->where($where)->from('user')->get();

    return $rs->result();

// it will produce :
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE city = 'jakarta' AND age = '25'

知道如何在 Laravel 4 查询生成器上使用它吗?我有谷歌搜索但没有找到任何答案.之前谢谢.

Any idea how to have it on Laravel 4 query builder? I have googling but not find any answer. Thanks before.


你可以试试这个(假设这个函数在你的 User 模型中)

You may try this (Assumed, this function is in your User model)

class User extends Eloquent {

    public static function getData($where = null)
        $query =  DB::table('User');
        if(!is_null($where )) {
            foreach($where as $k => $v){
                $query->where($k, $v);
        return $query->get();

请记住,= 是可选的.像这样称呼它

Rember that, = is optional. Call it like

$data = User::getData(array('first_name' => 'Jhon'));

