在 Windows 7 中安装 Laravel 4.1//使 .phar 文件对 Windows 命令行全局可用
我在通过 Laravel 文档中解释的第一种方法在 Windows 7 中安装 Laravel 4.1 时遇到了一些问题(http://laravel.com/docs/installation#install-laravel).
i have some problems installing Laravel 4.1 in Windows 7 via the first method explained in the Laravel documentation ( http://laravel.com/docs/installation#install-laravel ).
所以我下载了 laravel.phar 文件并将其放在我的路径 ( System32 ) 中.在基于 linux 的系统中,哪个相当于/usr/bin?
So I downloaded the laravel.phar file and put it in my path ( System32 ). Which would be the equivalent of /usr/bin in linux based systems?
(我还在 PATHEXT 系统变量中添加了 .PHAR).
( I also added .PHAR in the PATHEXT system variable ).
当我从命令行运行 laravel 命令时它不知道如何打开它,所以我选择用 php.exe 打开它.现在,当我运行 composer 命令时,它显示:无法打开输入文件:C:Windowssystem32laravel.phar".
When i ran the laravel command from the command line it didn't know how to open it, so i chose to open it with php.exe. Now, when I run the composer command it says: "Could not open input file: C:Windowssystem32laravel.phar".
我想这不是 laravel 本身的问题,而是我对 Windows 命令行的了解有限.通过作曲家安装工作正常.
I suppose it's less a problem with laravel itself but my limited knowledge of the Windows command line. The installation via composer works fine.
重新表述和澄清这个问题:如何使 .phar 文件对 Windows 命令行全局可用?
To rephrase and clarify this question: How do I make a .phar file globally available to the Windows command line?
Phar 允许您将整个 PHP 应用程序放入 PHP 存档中.它不是您可能认为的直接可执行文件.
Phar allows you to put an entire PHP application into a PHP Archive. It is not a direct executable as you may assume.
要在 Windows 7 上成功安装 Laravel 4.1,你需要 Composer -a 包管理器.首先安装 Composer.这将在您的系统上全局安装.现在可以通过composer"通过命令提示符调用 Composer.
To install Laravel 4.1 successfully on Windows 7, you need Composer -a package manager. First install Composer. This will install globally on your system. Composer can now be called through your command prompt via 'composer'.
接下来,转到您的 WAMP 或 XAMP 项目文件夹所在的位置 - 通常,这将是您的 www 文件夹(即 C:wampwww).
Next, go to where your WAMP or XAMP project folder is -generally, this would be your www folder (i.e. C:wampwww).
新建一个项目目录:www ew_project.现在转到您的开始菜单并以管理员身份运行 cmd.接下来,您需要将目录更改为 C 盘,然后进入 www ew_project 文件夹:
Make a new project directory: www ew_project. Now go to your start menu and run cmd as admin. Next you need to change your directory to the C drive and then into your www ew_project folder:
C:> cd wampwww
现在您可以通过调用来利用 composer:
Now you can take advantage of composer by calling:
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
在那个 new_project 文件夹中调用上面的语句,因为那是 laravel 将安装的地方.以上将使您的目录路径为:
Call the above statement in that new_project folder because that is where laravel will install. The above will make your directory path as:
Laravel 现在可以在您的系统上使用.您可以通过以下方式验证安装是否成功:
Laravel is now available on your system. You can verify a successful install by going to:
基于上述关于使 .phar 全局可用于命令的问题
Based on the above question edit regarding making a .phar globally available for command:
-- Linux 上 /usr/bin
的等效文件夹.复制 C:in 文件夹
中的 laravel.phar
文件.或者,您可以将它放在一个文件夹中,例如 C:phplaravel.phar
.然后你需要在 PATH 中的某处创建一个名为 laravel.bat
The directory your looking for is
--the equivalent folder to /usr/bin
on Linux.
Copy the laravel.phar
file in the C:in folder
. Or , you can put it in a folder, such as, C:phplaravel.phar
. Then you need to make a batch file somewhere within the PATH called laravel.bat
which will then do the following:
php "%~dp0laravel.phar" %*
%*"重复传递给 shell 脚本的所有参数.因此,您可以运行laravel 新项目".希望这能为您指明正确的方向.
The "%*" repeats all of the arguments passed to the shell script. Thus, you can run 'laravel new project'. Hope this points you in the right direction.
这篇关于在 Windows 7 中安装 Laravel 4.1//使 .phar 文件对 Windows 命令行全局可用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!