Laravel TokenMismatchException 数据库会话

本文介绍了Laravel TokenMismatchException 数据库会话的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


从文件切换到数据库会话时,我的 $request->input(_token) 与 $request->session()->toke() 不匹配.

My $request->input(_token) is a mismatch of $request->session()->toke() when switching from file to database sessions.

这会导致 CSRF TokenMismatchException.当从数据库切换回文件会话驱动程序时,不会发生不匹配.

This is causing a CSRF TokenMismatchException. When switching back from database to file sessons driver the mismatch does not occur.


<小时>使用 Laravel 5.0
PHP 5.6.30

Using Laravel 5.0
PHP 5.6.30

php artisan session:table : 创建 Laravel 会话表作曲家转储自动加载php工匠配置:清除php arisan 配置:缓存

php artisan session:table : Created Laravel session table composer dump-autoload php artisan config:clear php arisan config:cache

我的 session.php 配置如下所示:

My session.php config looks like this:

return [

    'driver' => 'database',
    'lifetime' => 120,
    'expire_on_close' => false,
    'encrypt' => false,
    'files' => storage_path().'/framework/sessions',
    'connection' => null,
    'table' => 'laravel_session',
    'lottery' => [2, 100],
    'cookie' => 'laravel_session',
    'path' => '/',
    'domain' => null,
    'secure' => false,


VerifyCsrfToken IlluminateFoundationMiddleware

protected function tokensMatch($request)
    $tok =  $request->input('_token') ; //4ExGXl9mRM75d7brfQhgIWcQzsSVjnUHDoDcKJxp
    $tokhead  = $request->header('X-CSRF-TOKEN'); 
    $sessToken = $request->session()->token();//57DLb3uTs8brVPKpBxor14Hg0ZvQPpYW3flktP86

    $token = $request->input('_token') ?: $request->header('X-CSRF-TOKEN');

    if ( ! $token && $header = $request->header('X-XSRF-TOKEN'))
        $token = $this->encrypter->decrypt($header);

    return StringUtils::equals($request->session()->token(), $token);


Database table is populated with data after switching to database sesseio driver:

SELECT id, payload, last_activity, user_id FROM kartserver_2.laravel_session;

d33d5782e1eed56771baa56f9410a24b9e628ff6    YToxNzp7czo2OiJfdG9rZW4iO3M6NDA6Ikh6dUc4WG1PUDFZalRHY0QwcW5QZzlFSGRUSkJ3ZmVOUkVjM0RJVk0iO3M6NToiZmxhc2giO2E6Mjp7czozOiJvbGQiO2E6MDp7fXM6MzoibmV3IjthOjA6e319czoyMDoicGFzc3dvcmRSZXF1aXJlbWVudHMiO086NDE6Ikhhd2tTb2Z0d2FyZVxTZWN1cml0eVxQYXNzd29yZFJlcXVpcmVtZW...   1487315670  1862

我在 html 中生成 csrf_tokens

I am generating csrf_tokens in html

<input type="hidden" name="_token" id="_token" value="{!! csrf_token() !!}">


如果你在使用 Laravel 5.4* 并且碰巧遇到了这个问题,这就是你需要做的事情

If you are using Laravel 5.4* and you happen to stumble upon this problem, here is what you need to do

1- 更新您的 .env 文件

1- Update your .env file

# file = .env in your project root



注意此处的 DB_CONNECTION 设置,您将在下一步中使用.

Note the DB_CONNECTION setting here that you will need in next step.

2- 更新 config/session.php 文件连接参数应该包含您在 .env 文件中用于 DB_CONNECTION 的字符串

2- update config/session.php file Where connection param should hold the string you used for DB_CONNECTION in .env file

# file = config/session.php

'driver' => env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'database'),
'connection' => 'mysql', // this is from DB_CONNECTION in .env file 

3- 生成会话表

php artisan session:table
// run the migration !!! very very important
php artisan migrate

4- 如果出于某种原因您决定手动创建表而不使用迁移,请使用此 SQL.这是非常重要的一步,一个错误的表会导致各种问题.主要是不要犯错手动创建表,id列和往常一样bigint,session表不一样.

4- if for some reason you decided to create the table manually without using migration , use this SQL. This is very important step, a wrong table will result in all kinds of problems. Primarily do not make the mistake of creating a table manually with id column as bigint as usual, session table is different.

create table sessions
  id varchar(255) not null,
  user_id int(10) unsigned null,
  ip_address varchar(45) null,
  user_agent text null,
  payload text not null,
  last_activity int not null,
  constraint sessions_id_unique
  unique (id)


That should solve the token mismatch exception after setting db as session save path.

这篇关于Laravel TokenMismatchException 数据库会话的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
