在 PDO 中使用 htmlspecialchars 函数准备和执行
函数的PHP PDO在表单验证和数据库查询中将特殊字符转换为HTML实体真的有必要吗?
Is converting special characters to HTML entities in form validation and database query using PHP PDO using htmlspecialchars()
function really necessary?
For example, I have a website with simple login system more or less like:
$username = (string) htmlspecialchars($_POST['user']);
$password = (string) htmlspecialchars($_POST['pass']);
$query = $dbh->prepare("select id where username = ? and password = ?")
$query->execute($username, $password);
请注意,除了所讨论的函数之外,我还使用了类型转换.那么,有必要吗?或者我可以安全地使用 $username = $_POST['user'];
Note that I also use type casting besides the function in question.. So, is it necessary? Or I can safely use $username = $_POST['user'];
您的困惑很常见,因为书籍和互联网(包括 php.net)上的信息和示例具有误导性或歧义.在开发 Web 应用程序时,您可以学到的最重要的事情是 过滤输入,转义输出.
Your confusion is quite common because information and examples in books and on the internet including php.net are misleading or ambiguous. The most important thing you can learn when developing web apps is filter input, escape output.
Filter Input This means that for any data input whether provided by a user on a form or provided by a file from some other source, filter out anything which does not belong. An example would be that if you expect a numeric value, filter out any non-numeric characters. Another example would be limit/ensure the maximum length of data. However, you don't need to get to crazy with this. For example, if you expect a line of text that can contain literally any combination of characters, then trying to come up with a filter will probably only frustrate your users.
So, you generally would store input data in your database as provided with optionally some filtering before hand.
转义输出转义输出的意思是正确保护给定媒体的数据.大多数时候,这个媒体是一个网页(html).但是,它也可以是纯文本、xml、pdf、图像等.对于 html,这意味着使用 htmlspecialchars()
或 htmlentities()
Escape Output
What is meant by escape output is to properly make safe the data for a given media. Most of the time, this media is a web page (html). But, it can also be plain text, xml, pdf, image, etc. For html, this means using htmlspecialchars()
or htmlentities()
(you can read up on the differences here). For other media types, you would escape/convert as appropriate (or not at all if appropriate).
现在,您的问题是您是否应该对将用作 sql 查询参数的输入数据使用 htmlspecialchars()
Now, your question is whether or not you should use htmlspecialchars()
on input data that will be used as sql query parameters. The answer is no. You should not modify the data in any way.
是的,$_POST 中包含的数据应该被视为危险.这就是为什么您应该 1) 使用准备好的语句和绑定参数来防止 sql 注入,以及 2) 如果将 $_POST 中的数据放在 html 中,则正确转义/转换它.
Yes, the data contained in $_POST should be considered dangerous. Which is why you should 1) guard against sql injection using prepared statements and bound parameters as you are doing and 2) properly escape/convert data found in $_POST if you place it in html.
有许多 PHP 框架可以为您处理这些细节,我建议您选择并使用一个.但是,如果您不这样做,您仍然可以构建安全可靠的应用程序.无论您是否使用框架,我强烈建议您阅读OWASP.不这样做只会给您的网络应用程序带来安全噩梦.
There are many frameworks for PHP which handle these details for you and I recommend you pick and use one. However, if you do not, you can still build a safe and secure application. Whether you use a framework or not, I strongly suggest that you read the recommendations suggested by OWASP. Failure to do so will only result in a security nightmare for your web application.
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