pdo 捕获并输出 mysql 错误

本文介绍了pdo 捕获并输出 mysql 错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个使用 PDO 执行的插入语句.插入效果很好,但是如果出现错误,我希望将其显示给用户.

I have an insert statement that is executed with PDO. Insert works great however if there is an error I would like it displayed to the user.

我有以下 try-catch 块.

I have the below try-catch block.

    $insertuser = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `she_she`.`Persons` (`idnumber`,`addedby`,`firstname`, `middlename`, `surname`, `fullname`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `homelanguage`, `department`, `employeetype`, `employeestatus`) VALUES  (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); 
    $insertuser->execute(array($idnumber,$user,$firstname, $middlename, $surname, $fullname, $gender, $birthdate, $language, $department, $employmenttype, $personstatus));  
catch(PDOException $exception){ 
    return $exception; 

如果查询失败,或者假设有重复的 IDNumber,我希望将其显示给用户.

If the query fails, or let's say a duplicate IDNumber, I want this displayed to the user.

如果我只是尝试回显变量 $exception 它不起作用.

If I simply try to echo the variable $exception it does not work.

我想将 MySQL 错误返回给用户.

I want to return the MySQL error to the user.


默认情况下 PDO 不处于会显示错误的状态.您需要在数据库连接中提供以下内容

By default PDO is not in a state that will display errors. you need to provide the following in your DB connection



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