如何制作 PDO 类方法,用于在 arg 中使用未知数量的参数插入/更新/删除

本文介绍了如何制作 PDO 类方法,用于在 arg 中使用未知数量的参数插入/更新/删除的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


目前我正在尝试创建一个 PDO 类,我将在其中使用一种方法来运行诸如 INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 之类的查询.

Currently Im trying to create a PDO class where I will have a method to run a query like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

例如,这是我的 SELECT 方法

For examaple this is my method for a SELECT

 public function getPreparedQuery($sql){
    $stmt = $this->dbc->prepare($sql);
    $arr = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if(!$arr) exit('No rows');
    $stmt = null;
    return $arr;


    $stmt = $database->getPreparedQuery($sql2);

到目前为止,我知道 runQuery 应该像这样工作:

And so far I know that a runQuery should work something similar to this:


$idRol = "6";
$nomRol = "test6";                          
$stmt = $database->dbc->prepare("insert into roles (idRol, NomRol) values (?, ?)");
$stmt = null;


But I want to make it into an universal method where i simply can pass the sql sentence, something like this:



$query = "插入角色 (idRol, NomRol) VALUES ('4','test')";

$query = "INSERT INTO roles (idRol, NomRol) VALUES ('4','test')";

$query = "插入电影 (movName, movLength, movArg) VALUES ('name1','15','movie about...')";

$query = "INSERT INTO movies (movName, movLength, movArg) VALUES ('name1','15','movie about...')";

那么我如何对 arg $query 进行切片,以便我可以获取所有正在使用的变量以创建一个通用的 runQuery?

So how do I slice the arg $query so I can get all the variables that are being used in order to make an universal runQuery?


Because I can imagine that my method should be something like this

runQuery([$var1 , $var2, $var3....(there can be more)] , [$var1value, $var2value, $var3value...(there can be more)]){

        $stmt = $database->dbc->prepare("insert into movies($var1 , $var2, $var3....(there can be more)) values (?, ? , ? (those are the values and there ca be more than 3)"); //how do i get those "?" value and amount of them, and the name of the table fields [movName, movLength, movArg can be variable depending of the sentence]?
        $stmt->execute(array($var1,$var2, $var3, ...)); //this is wrong , i dont know how to execute it
        $stmt = null;



You need to add a second parameter to your function. Simply an array where all those variables would go. An array by definition can have an arbitrary number of elements, which solves your problem exactly:

public function runQuery($sql, $parameters = []) {
    $stmt = $this->dbc->prepare($sql);
    return $stmt;

这个简单的函数将运行任何查询.您可以在我专门介绍 PDO 辅助函数的文章中查看使用示例:

this simple function will run ANY query. You can see the usage example in my article dedicated to PDO helper functions:

// getting the number of rows in the table
$count = $db->runQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM users")->fetchColumn();

// the user data based on email
$user = $db->runQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=?", [$email])->fetch();

// getting many rows from the table
$data = $db->runQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE salary > ?", [$salary])->fetchAll();

// getting the number of affected rows from DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT
$deleted = $db->runQuery("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=?", [$id])->rowCount();

// insert
$db->runQuery("INSERT INTO users VALUES (null, ?,?,?)", [$name, $email, $password]);

// named placeholders are also welcome though I find them a bit too verbose
$db->runQuery("UPDATE users SET name=:name WHERE id=:id", ['id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name]);

// using a sophisticated fetch mode, indexing the returned array by id
$indexed = $db->runQuery("SELECT id, name FROM users")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);


As you can see, now your function can be used with any query with any number of parameters

这篇关于如何制作 PDO 类方法,用于在 arg 中使用未知数量的参数插入/更新/删除的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
