I am really confused on how these 2 collections behave in multithreaded environment.
哈希表是同步的,这意味着不会有 2 个线程同时更新它的值,对吧?
Hash table is synchronized that means no 2 threads will be updating its value simultaneously right?
看ConcurrentHashMaps 用于线程安全映射.
Look at ConcurrentHashMaps for Thread safe Maps.
它们提供了 HashTable 的所有功能,性能非常接近 HashMap.
They offer all the features of HashTable with a performance very close to a HashMap.
通过不使用地图范围的锁来获得性能,该集合默认维护一个包含 16 个锁的列表,每个锁用于锁定地图的单个存储桶.您甚至可以配置存储桶的数量 :) 调整它可以根据您的数据提高性能.
Performance is gained by instead of using a map wide lock, the collection maintains a list of 16 locks by default, each of which is used to lock a single bucket of the map. You can even configure the number of buckets :) Tweaking this can help performance depending on your data.
Brian Goetz 的 Java Concurrency in Practice 我不能推荐足够多的东西http://jcip.net/
I can't recommend enough Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz http://jcip.net/
I still learn something new every time I read it.