如何使用 sbt-eclipse 创建项目的 Eclipse 项目文件?

本文介绍了如何使用 sbt-eclipse 创建项目的 Eclipse 项目文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I followed the official documentation to set up the plugin in my sbt project:

  1. 添加 addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" %"2.5.0")~/.sbt/plugins/plugins.sbt 文件
  2. cded 到一个项目并运行 sbt
  3. 在 sbt shell 中,输入 eclipse
  1. Added addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.5.0") to ~/.sbt/plugins/plugins.sbt file
  2. cded to a project and ran sbt
  3. In sbt shell, typed eclipse


That's where I faced the following error:

> eclipse
[error] Not a valid command: eclipse (similar: help, alias)
[error] Not a valid project ID: eclipse (similar: sbteclipse)
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: eclipse (similar: deliver, licenses, clean)
[error] eclipse
[error]        ^



Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

$ /opt/sbt-0.13.5/bin/sbt
[warn] The global sbt directory is now versioned and is located at /Users/first.last/.sbt/0.13.
[warn]   You are seeing this warning because there is global configuration in /Users/first.last/.sbt but not in /Users/first.last/.sbt/0.13.
[warn]   The global sbt directory may be changed via the sbt.global.base system property.
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/first.last/git/myproject/project
[info] Set current project to myproject (in build file:/Users/first.last/git/myproject/)
> eclipse
[error] Not a valid command: eclipse (similar: help, alias)
[error] Not a valid project ID: eclipse
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: eclipse (similar: deliver, licenses, clean)
[error] eclipse
[error]        ^


我使用的是 sbt 0.13.5.

I'm using sbt 0.13.5.

$ sbt --version
sbt launcher version 0.13.5

empty 目录中执行 sbt about 以检查 build/sbt 设置.

In an empty directory executed sbt about to check the build/sbt setup.

$ sbt about
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins