Jersey 多线程
Here are two links which seem to be contradicting each other. I'd sooner trust the docs:
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Request processing on the server works by default in a synchronous processing mode
Which is correct. Can it be both synchronous and multithreaded?
Why do the docs say the following?:
in cases where a resource method execution is known to take a long time to compute the result, server-side asynchronous processing model should be used
如果文档正确,为什么默认操作是同步的?为了用户体验,默认情况下所有请求在客户端 JavaScript 上都是异步的,因此服务器端的默认操作也应该是异步的.
If the docs are correct, why is the default action synchronous? All requests are asynchronous on client-side javascript by default for user experience, it would make sense then that the default action for server-side should also be asynchronous too.
If the client does not need to serve requests in a specific order, then who cares how "EXPENSIVE" the operation is. Shouldn't all operations simply be asynchronous?
Request processing on the server works by default in a synchronous processing mode
Each request is processed on a separate thread. The request is considered synchronous because that request holds up the thread until the request is finished processing.
Yes, the server (container) is multi-threaded. For each request that comes in, a thread is taken from the thread pool, and the request is tied to the particular request.
in cases where a resource method execution is known to take a long time to compute the result, server-side asynchronous processing model should be used
是的,这样我们就不会阻塞容器线程.容器线程池中处理请求的线程只有这么多.如果我们用长的处理请求来拖住它们,那么容器可能会耗尽线程,阻止其他请求进入.在异步处理中,Jersey 将线程交还给容器,并自行处理请求处理线程池,直到进程完成,然后将响应发送到容器,容器可以将其发送回客户端.
Yes, so that we don't hold up the container thread. There are only so many threads in the container thread pool to handle requests. If we are holding them all up with long processing requests, then the container may run out of threads, blocking other requests from coming in. In asynchronous processing, Jersey hands the thread back to the container, and handle the request processing itself in its own thread pool, until the process is complete, then send the response up to the container, where it can send it back to the client.
If the client does not need to serve requests in a specific order, then who cares how "EXPENSIVE" the operation is.
Not really sure what the client has to do with anything here. Or at least in the context of how you're asking the question. Sorry.
Shouldn't all operations simply be asynchronous?
Not necessarily, if all the requests are quick. Though you could make an argument for it, but that would require performance testing, and numbers you can put up against each other and make a decision from there. Every system is different.
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