public struct Foo<T>
public Foo(T obj) { }
public static implicit operator Foo<T>(T input)
return new Foo<T>(input);
private Foo<ICloneable> MakeFoo()
string c = "hello";
return c; // Success: string is ICloneable, ICloneable implicitly converted to Foo<ICloneable>
But this code doesn't compile -- why?
private Foo<ICloneable> MakeFoo()
ICloneable c = "hello";
return c; // Error: ICloneable can't be converted to Foo<ICloneable>. WTH?
显然,当其中一种类型是接口时,隐式用户定义转换不起作用.来自 C# 规范:
Apparently, implicit user defined conversions don't work when one of the types is an interface. From the C# specs:
6.4.1 允许的用户定义转换
6.4.1 Permitted user-defined conversions
C# 只允许声明某些用户定义的转换.特别是,不可能重新定义已经存在的隐式或显式转换.对于给定的源类型 S 和目标类型 T,如果 S 或 T 是可空类型,则令 S0 和 T0 引用它们的基础类型,否则 S0 和 T0 分别等于 S 和 T.仅当满足以下所有条件时,才允许类或结构声明从源类型 S 到目标类型 T 的转换:
C# permits only certain user-defined conversions to be declared. In particular, it is not possible to redefine an already existing implicit or explicit conversion. For a given source type S and target type T, if S or T are nullable types, let S0 and T0 refer to their underlying types, otherwise S0 and T0 are equal to S and T respectively. A class or struct is permitted to declare a conversion from a source type S to a target type T only if all of the following are true:
- S0 和 T0 是不同的类型.
- S0 或 T0 是发生运算符声明的类或结构类型.
- S0 和 T0 都不是接口类型.
- 排除用户定义的转换,不存在从 S 到 T 或从 T 到 S 的转换.
In your first method, both types are not interface types, so the user defined implicit conversion works.