


正如标题所述:关于堆栈大小是否有任何一般的经验法则".我猜大小会因操作系统、架构、缓存大小、可用 RAM 大小等而有所不同.

As the title states: Is there any general "rule of thumb" about the size of the stack. I'm guessing the size will vary depending on the OS, the architecture, the size of the cache(s), how much RAM is available etc.

但是一般来说可以说什么,或者有什么方法可以找出,这个程序允许使用多少堆栈?.作为一个额外的问题,是否有任何方法(使用编译器标志等(这里主要考虑 C/C++,但也更通用))堆栈的大小可以由用户设置为固定大小?

However can anything be said in general, or is there any way to find out, how much of the stack, this program is allowed to use?. As a bonus question is there any way (with compiler flags etc. (thinking mostly C/C++ here, but also more general)) that the size of the stack can be set to a fixed size by the user?


Btw, I'm asking strictly out of curiosity, I'm not having a stack overflow. :)



Yes you can set the stack size, it usually is a linker flag, and it depends on your toolchain (typically this is referred to by the name of the compiler).

  • 对于 Microsoft Visual C++,使用 /F选项 来改变大小,DUMPBIN/HEADERS 看看什么设置是.
  • 对于 GCC 工具链和大多数其他 Unix 链接器,使用 -Wl,--stack
  • For Microsoft Visual C++, use the /F option to change the size, and DUMPBIN /HEADERS to see what the setting is.
  • For the GCC toolchain and most other Unix linkers, use -Wl,--stack

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