C# BitArray类
编程学习网为您整理以下代码实例,主要实现:C# BitArray类,希望可以帮到各位朋友。
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace CollectionsApplication {
class Program {
static voID Main(string[] args) {
//creating two bit arrays of size 8
BitArray ba1 = new BitArray(8);
BitArray ba2 = new BitArray(8);
byte[] a = { 60 };
byte[] b = { 13 };
//storing the values 60, and 13 into the bit arrays
ba1 = new BitArray(a);
ba2 = new BitArray(b);
//content of ba1
Console.Writeline("Bit array ba1: 60");
for (int i = 0; i < ba1.Count; i++) {
Console.Write("{0, -6} ", ba1[i]);
//content of ba2
Console.Writeline("Bit array ba2: 13");
for (int i = 0; i < ba2.Count; i++) {
Console.Write("{0, -6} ", ba2[i]);
BitArray ba3 = new BitArray(8);
ba3 = ba1.And(ba2);
//content of ba3
Console.Writeline("Bit array ba3 after AND operation: 12");
for (int i = 0; i < ba3.Count; i++) {
Console.Write("{0, -6} ", ba3[i]);
ba3 = ba1.Or(ba2);
//content of ba3
Console.Writeline("Bit array ba3 after OR operation: 61");
for (int i = 0; i < ba3.Count; i++) {
Console.Write("{0, -6} ", ba3[i]);