



I need to implement a container to hold an amount of elements and for some reason, it has to work without any heap allocation. Another requirement is, that the container elements should not be copied or moved in any way. They have to constructed directly into the memory allocated by the container.

为此,我决定使用 Placement new 并将内存管理完全委托给容器实现(在 drdobbs).

For that, I decided to use placement new and delegate the memory management completely to the container implementation (found some useful information about placement new at drdobbs).

此处提供了一个运行示例.(请注意,使用 new uint8_t[size] 和 std::queue 只是为了保持示例简单.我的真实代码更复杂,无堆而是实现.)

A running example is found here. (Please note, that the use of new uint8_t[size] and std::queue is just to keep the example simple. My real code has more complex, heap-less implementation instead.)


This perfectly works so far, as the client code has to put elements into the container with calls like:

executer.push(new (executer) MyRunnable("Hello", 123));

现在我想在此语句中删除重复写入 execute 的需要.我宁愿写一些类似的东西,例如:

Now I want do remove the need of the repeated write executer in this statement. I would rather like to write something like e.g.:

executer.pushNew(MyRunnable("Hello", 123));

executer.pushNew(MyRunnable, "Hello", 123);


maybe by providing an appropriate template but I failed to write one (no preprocessor macros, please).

我在 std::allocator 的有用信息/184403759" rel="noreferrer">drdobbs 但不知道如何将其应用于我的问题(此外,这篇文章是 anno 2000 的,所以不要利用可能的 C++11 优势).

I'd found some useful information about std::allocator here at drdobbs but don't know how to apply it to my problem (further, the article is of anno 2000 and so don't take use of possible C++11 advantages).

有人能帮我找到一种不再需要给 execute 两次的方法吗?

Could one help me to find a way to not longer need to give the executer twice?

在成功批准 Jarod42 的回答后,我更新了我的跑步示例代码这里.

After successful approving Jarod42's answer, I'd updated my running example code here.


And for the history, here the original example code of my initial question:

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

class Runnable {
    // Runnable should be uncopyable and also unmovable
    Runnable(const Runnable&) = delete;
    Runnable& operator = (const Runnable&) = delete;    
    Runnable(const Runnable&&) = delete;
    Runnable& operator = (const Runnable&&) = delete;    
    explicit Runnable() {}
    virtual ~Runnable() {}
    virtual void run() = 0;

class MyRunnable: public Runnable {
    explicit MyRunnable(const char* name, int num): name(name), num(num) {}
    virtual void run() override {
        std::cout << name << " " << num << std::endl;
    const char* name;
    int num;

class Executer {
    // Executer should be uncopyable and also unmovable
    Executer(const Executer&) = delete;
    Executer& operator = (const Executer&) = delete;    
    Executer(const Executer&&) = delete;
    Executer& operator = (const Executer&&) = delete;    
    explicit Executer() {    

    void* allocateEntry(size_t size) {
        // this heap allocation is just to keep this example simple
        // my real implementation uses it's own memory management instead (blockpool)
        return new uint8_t[size];

    void push(Runnable* entry) {

    template <typename R> // this don't works
    void pushNew(R) {
        push(new (*this) R);

    inline friend void* operator new(size_t n, Executer& executer) {
        return executer.allocateEntry(n);

    void execute() {
        while (queue.size() > 0) {
            Runnable* entry = queue.front();
            // Now doing "placement delete"
            uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(entry);
            delete[] p;


    // this use of std::queue is just to keep this example simple
    // my real implementation uses it's own heap-less queue instead
    std::queue<Runnable*> queue {};

int main() {
    Executer executer;
    executer.push(new (executer) MyRunnable("First", 1));
    executer.push(new (executer) MyRunnable("Second", 2));
    executer.push(new (executer) MyRunnable("Third", 3));

    // but want to use it more like one this 
    //executer.pushNew(MyRunnable("Fifth", 5));  // how to implement it?
    //executer.pushNew(MyRunnable, "Sixth", 6);  // or maybe for this usage?




template <typename R, typename... Ts>
void pushNew(Ts&&... args) {
    push(new (*this) R(std::forward<Ts>(args)...));


executor.PushNew<MyRunnable>("Hello", 123);


executer.push(new (executer) MyRunnable("Hello", 123));

