c++ deque vs queue vs stack

本文介绍了c++ deque vs queue vs stack的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Queue 和 Stack 是一种被广泛提及的结构.但是,在 C++ 中,对于队列,您可以通过两种方式进行:

Queue and Stack are a structures widely mentioned. However, in C++, for queue you can do it in two ways:

#include <queue>
#include <deque>


but for stack you can only do it like this

#include <stack>


My question is, what's the difference between queue and deque, why two structures proposed? For stack, any other structure could be included?


Moron/Aryabhatta 是正确的,但更多细节可能会有所帮助.

Moron/Aryabhatta is correct, but a little more detail may be helpful.


Queue and stack are higher level containers than deque, vector, or list. By this, I mean that you can build a queue or stack out of the lower level containers.


  std::stack<int, std::deque<int> > s;
  std::queue<double, std::list<double> > q;


Will build a stack of ints using a deque as the underlying container and a queue of doubles using a list as the underlying container.

您可以将 s 视为受限双端队列,将 q 视为受限列表.

You can think of s as a restricted deque and q as a restricted list.

所有需要的是低层容器实现高层容器所需的方法.这些是 back()push_back()pop_back() 用于堆栈和 front()back()push_back()pop_front() 用于队列.

All that is necessary is that the lower level container implements the methods needed by the higher level container. These are back(), push_back(), and pop_back() for stack and front(), back(), push_back(), and pop_front() for queue.

参见 stack 和 queue 了解更多详情.

See stack and queue for more detail.

关于双端队列,它不仅仅是一个可以在两端插入的队列.特别是,它具有随机访问 operator[].这使它更像一个向量,但是一个向量,您可以在其中使用 push_front()pop_front() 在开头插入和删除.

With respect to the deque, it is much more than a queue where you can insert at both ends. In particular, it has the random access operator[]. This makes it more like a vector, but a vector where you can insert and delete at the beginning with push_front() and pop_front().


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