



Is it possible to have inheritance with no virtual methods? The compiler is saying that the following code is not polymorphic.


class A {
    int a;
    int getA(){return a;};

class B : public A {
    int b;
    int getB(){return b;};

在另一个类中,我们试图从 A 对象向下转换为 B 对象:

In another class we are trying to downcast from an A object to a B object:

 A *a = ...;
 B *b = dynamic_cast<B*>(a)


but this gives the following compile-time error:

 cannot dynamic_cast ... (source type is not polymorphic)


非承受语法错误,你不能 dynamic_cast 非多态类型.static_cast 是您在这种情况下使用的转换,如果您知道它实际上是目标类型的对象.

Syntax errors non-withstanding, you cannot dynamic_cast a non-polymorphic type. static_cast is the cast you would use in this case, if you know that it is in fact an object of the target type.

原因:static_cast 基本上让编译器在编译时执行检查是否可以将输入转换为输出?"这可用于向上或向下转换指针(或引用)的继承层次结构的情况.但检查只在编译时进行,编译器假定您知道自己在做什么.

The reason why: static_cast basically has the compiler perform a check at compile time "Could the input be cast to the output?" This is can be used for cases where you are casting up or down an inheritance hierarchy of pointers (or references). But the check is only at compile time, and the compiler assumes you know what you are doing.

dynamic_cast 只能在指针或引用转换的情况下使用,并且除了编译时检查外,它还会进行额外的运行时检查以确保转换合法.它要求所讨论的类至少有 1 个虚拟方法,这允许编译器(如果它支持 RTTI)执行此附加检查.但是,如果该类型没有任何虚方法,则不能使用.

dynamic_cast can only be used in the case of a pointer or reference cast, and in addition to the compile time check, it does an additional run time check that the cast is legal. It requires that the class in question have at least 1 virtual method, which allows the compiler (if it supports RTTI) to perform this additional check. However, if the type in question does not have any virtual methods, then it cannot be used.


The simplest case, and probably worthwhile if you're passing pointers around like this, is to consider making the base class's destructor virtual. In addition to allowing you to use dynamic cast, it also allows the proper destructors to be called when a base class pointer is deleted.

