这个问题是在解决了我在这个问题.我有一个 c++ 代码,它处理来自相机的帧并为每个处理的帧生成一个矩阵.我想将每个矩阵发送到 matlab 引擎,所以在执行结束时我存储了所有矩阵.我对如何做到这一点感到困惑,我在每次迭代中发送一个矩阵,但它一直在覆盖它,所以最后我只有一个.这是一个代码示例:
This question comes after solving the problem I got in this question. I have a c++ code that processes frames from a camera and generates a matrix for each processed frame. I want to send to matlab engine each matrix, so at the end of the execution I have in stored all the matrices. I am conffused about how to do this, I send a matrix in each iteration but it is overwritting it all the time, so at the end I only have one. Here is a code example:
#include helper.h
mxArray *mat;
mat = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(13, 13, mxREAL);
memcpy(mxGetPr(mat),matrix.data, 13*13*sizeof(double));
engPutVariable(engine, "mat", mat);
我还尝试使用计数器来动态命名不同的矩阵,但它不起作用,因为 matlab 引擎需要首先定义变量.任何帮助将不胜感激.谢谢.
I also tried to use a counter to dinamically name the different matrices, but it didn't work as matlab engine requires the variables to be defined first. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
If you don't know the number of frames a priori, don't try to expand the mxArray in C. It is not convenient. You were already close to start. All your problems can be solved with:
engEvalString(engine, "your command here")
The simplest approach is something like:
engPutVariable(engine, "mat", mat);
engEvalString("frames{length(frames)+1} = mat;");
不要完全那样做,这是一个插图,会很慢.预先分配好得多,比如 1000 帧,然后在需要时再扩展 1000(或更合适的数字).更好的是不使用速度较慢的单元阵列.相反,您可以使用 3D 数组,例如:
Don't do it exactly that, it is an illustration and will be very slow. Much better to preallocate, say 1000 frames then expand it another 1000 (or a more appropriate number) when needed. Even better is to not use cell arrays which are slow. Instead you could use a 3D array, such as:
frames = zeros(13,13,1000);
frames(:,:,i) = mat;
i = i + 1;
再次,以块为单位进行预分配.你明白了.如果您真的需要快速,您可以在 C 中构建 3D 数组,并在它们填满时将它们发送到 MATLAB.
Again, preallocate in blocks. You get the idea. If you really need to be fast, you could build the 3D arrays in C and ship them to MATLAB when they fill.